.......well ok the angels didn't get together as such ....but on the day that Alistair H Cronoly was born , Albert De Salvo raped and strangled to death his last victim, Mary Sullivan. Also on that day the "White Elephant" episode of the Avengers was on TV (a rare albino elephant disappears from an animal distribution centre for zoos worldwide) and the Beatles' "I want to hold your hand" was number 1 in the UK
and the moon looked like this on the 4th January 1964

In that same month in 1964 the Holden, Massachusetts Police Department received a call in connection with an accident on Bailey Road nr Chapin. Richard J. Harrington (of Maple Street S. Sterling, Mass) He was alone in the car when he dropped a cigarette on the floor - as he picked it up he lost control of the car and hit two large stones causing the car to flip over onto it's top. The car was demolished - his only injury was a cut over his right eye that was not serious.
In that same year of 1964 Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment
And in 1785 on the 4th of January Jacob Grimm was born -who, together with his brother Wilhelm, wrote the three volumes of Kinder und Hausmarchen (more commonly known as Grimm's Fairy Tales) - it is considered the greatest anthology of fairy tales ever put together with such classics as Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Hansel & Gretel, Rumpelstiltskin and Cinderella.
These fairy tales were read to Alistair, when he was young, by his mother on her nights off from the tiresome business of whipping and chastising politicians. It is no wonder that in later life that Alistair was inspired to produce his own anthology - but rather than fairy tales he decided his would be an anthology of plays and due to the fact that he held most playwrights in very low regard (Including William Shakespeare of whom he was heard to remark was "a pointless wordsmith who's plays had no point") he decided it would be an anthology of his own plays that he would write specially for the purpose , thus was born "A collection of very Short Plays".
It is impossible to know for sure at what age these plays were written but one assumes it was when Alistair was in his late 20's or early 30's.
Unfortunately Alistair had yet to find a publisher who was on his wavelength (or indeed any other human who was) so there exists only one copy in paper format which I am lucky to own (having paid the reasonable price of £1.30 - after haggling down from £1.50 - at a small secondhand shop in Coventry in 2007) - I have put the collection on the internet before for people to download at a very reasonable price but, alas, it seems the time is still not right for the genius of Alistair H Cronoly so I have sold not one copy.
For that reason I have decided to put in this blog every single play from that collection as I am determined that Alistair H Cronoly will become a household name.
So next time I post it will be the wonderful and thought provoking plays of Alistair H Cronoly prepare to be impressed and amazed ..............
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